Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Human [Hearts] Robot

So it seems that Bob's massive popularity*, as well as the stardom of close relatives and friends Brushhead Betina and BH Bing, all stems from a larger tide of intimacy in human-robot relationships. And there's no better way of knowing that something's for real than to see the announcement of an academic conference on the topic.

Yes, it's on the image to read more about it: Leiden University in the Netherlands is all set to host the 3rd International Conference on Human-Robot Personal Relationships next year. True to form, papers will be given, workshops led, and prototype demonstrations will even be held. Perhaps the extended Brushhead family should make a visit?

The only thing that Bob and other like-minded bots might be wondering about, however, is the curious inclusion of the word "personal" in the title. Is there any other kind?

*Undocumented claim. Please revise.

1 comment:

  1. I'm game! :) BHBetina might like a trip to Europe after the fun trip to India she's gonna make in December!
